Beykent University Second International Research Days
Tarih: 08 Kasım 2019

Beykent University Second International Research Days


Dear Participants, 

We are pleased to invite you to the International Congress "Beykent University Second International Research Days: “Exploring solutions for elderly, palliative, disabled health care problems", which will take place on 8 – 10 November 2019 in Plovdiv Bulgaria at the Plovdiv University at Bulgaria “Хотел Пълдин КООП” Congress Centre.

Main theme is ‘‘Exploring Solutions For Elderly, Palliative, Disabled Health Care Problems"

The conference will bring together international and national representatives from public and clinical health care industry, civil society, public authorities, research and health care surveys to explore and discuss opportunities and strengths related to sustainable health care supply and use solutions in very near future for disadvantaged groups.

Important Dates

September 1, 2019 Deadline for abstract 

November 1, 2019 Full text paper submission

November 8-10 2019 Congress days. 

Contact: e-mail:

Yours faithfully

The 1st International Beykent Conference on Research in Health Sciences was hosted at Beykent University in Istanbul, Turkey on the 16 th-18 th of JUNE, 2019. We were pleased that the event drew in a highly diverse and international crowd. Over 150 participants joined the conference from countries like United-Kingdom, Greece, Qatar, Israel, Ukraine, United States, Romania, Oman, Russia and numerous others.

This academic event featured a rich program. Some of the topics covered include international health topics in future, artificial intelligence entrepreneurship, health economics, health management recession, nursing in future, contemporary nutrition and diets facilities, sport health, physiotherapy and many others. Discussions were facilitated by a panel of highly knowledgeable and respected academics


8 November FRIDAY 9:00 Registration and Welcome Music Play, Coffee and Bistro

9.30- 10.00 pm 

Opening ceremony 

Greeting rom the Rectors

Prof. Dr. Murat Ferman Beykent University

Prof. Dr. Marianna Murdjeva Plovdiv University.

Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Kaptanoğlu Opening Speech Beykent University 

Prof. Dr. Lyubama Despotava-Toleva Opening Speech Plovdiv University.

Istanbul Hall: First Session and Morning Session 

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Kaptanoğlu Beykent University 

Beykent University Health Sciences Research Days Program Congress Morning Session

10.30 pm – 12.30 pm 

“Current Situation in Health Sciences Research’s nowadays.” Evidence Based Health Researches and SCI papers. Shlomo Vinker,University Tel Aviv Professor of General Practice, Health Management and Internal Medicine

“The Roles of Telemedicine and Telecare” Kotaro OyamaProfessor and Chair Department of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Pediatrics Iwate Medical University School of MedicinePediatric Practice in a Society Experiencing Population Decline and Disaster.

“All for one, one for all. Is palliative care general or special? “Professor Paul Kazunari Abe, Department of Physiotherapy Rehabilitation, Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences

“Requirements, opportunities and challenges in applying technological solutions in palliative care of frail older adults" Assoc Prof Panos Bamidis " Nutrition and Diets Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece & LIME, Univ of Leeds, UK

Lunch Break 60 Minutes, 

Exhibition & posters  walk  12.00 - 14.30

Beykent University Health Sciences Research Days Program Congress Afternoon Session 

14.30 - 16.30 

Istanbul Hall: Second and Afternoon Session 

Moderator: Assist Prof. Dr. M. Süheyl Pozantı 

“Medical errors in palliative care “– Professor Dr. Katerina Kovacevik Department ofNursing University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

“The Effect of Healthcare Program on TV “- Assist. Prof. Müşfik AKARCAN and Prof. Dr. Oğuz ÖZYARAL (Istanbul Rumeli University)

“Euthanasia in The Elderly” – Kourkotua Lambrini (Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki), Frantzana Aikaterini (European University of Cyprus)

“Transplantations in The Elderly” – Tsaloglidou Areti (Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki)

Parallel Session Plovdiv Hall: 

Plovdiv  Hall: First Session and Morning Session 

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lyubama Despotova Toleva Polvdiv University 

Beykent University Health Sciences Research Days Program Congress Morning Session

“Families of Patiens in ICU: Their Needs and Satisfaction with Care “– Koukouritos Konstansinos (Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki)

“Quality of Life Of The Elderly Suffering From Diabetes Mellitus” –Frantzana Aikaterini (European University of Cyprus), Illiadis Christos (Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki), Ouzounakis Petros (Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki)

“Camera System and Privacy: Privacy Principle Ambulance Cabin “- Temel KILINÇLI (Beykent University) and Prof. Dr. Ayşegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU (Beykent University)

“Evaluation of The Effect of Dark Triad on Motivation and Conflict of Interest in Hospitals” -   Assoc. Prof. Emre İŞCİ (Marmara Univesity), Assoc. Prof. Şeçil TAŞTAN (Health Manager), Elif Büşra SÜLÜMEN and Prof. Dr. Ayşegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU (Beykent University)

Beykent University Health Sciences Research Days Program Congress Afternoon Session 

14.30 - 16.30 

PlovdivHall: Second and Afternoon Session 

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Paul Kazunari Abe

“Investigation of the Relationship Between Health Employees’ Perception of Work Load and Medical Error Attitudes “- Assist. Prof. Ismail SEÇER (Beykent University) and Eda CEYLAN (Beykent University)

“Measurement of Patients’ Perception Levels On Physician Emphatics and Physician Emphatics: Case Of Special Hospitals “- Lec. Emir Hasan ÖLMEZ (Beykent University) and Prof. Dr. Ayşegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU (Beykent University)

“Palliative Care Management for Children” - Prof. Dr. Oğuz ÖZYARAL (Istanbul Rumeli University) and Lec. Halil DEMİR (Istanbul Rumeli University)

“Classical composers’s music creativity and their illnesses” Mal. Malinova*, M. Malinova**

WELCOME Reception


9:00– 12.30 Welcome Music and Coffee Bistro 

Main Hall 

Moderator: Prof. Anwar Khan


Uncontrolled Pain as an Indication of Emergency Hospitalization at the Palliative Care Unit at the Complex Oncology Center – Prof. Dr. Nikolay Yordanov VratsaDr Nikolay Yordanov MD Head of Palliative Care Department Interregional Cancer Hospital  Sofia- Vratsa Bulgaria.

Can we teach compassion?”. Prof. Anwar Khan,General practice and health management University of Buckingham, London, UK

“Care for diabetic patients “ Pavlina Nikolova Faculty of Medicine, Trakia University, Stara Zagora 

The Effectiveness of UPOINT-Guided Multimodal Therapy in Turkish Men with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Primiraly Outcomes -  Lec. Muhsin BALABAN (Biruni University) and Prof. Dr. Ayşegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU (Beykent University)

10.30 – 11.00 am Coffee break

Main hall

Moderator : Prof. Ivan Dechev

“Prevention, diagnosis and behavior in iatrogenic damage of the urinary tract  in elderly” Dr. M. Kadim, MD, Prof. Dr. Iv. Decev, DM Plovdiv University 

Improvement of serum testosterone after varicocelectomy in elderly men” Prof. Ivan Dechev DM, Dr. Peter Antonov DM, Dr. Dimitar Kalinov, Dr. Todor. Plovdiv University 

“Comparison Of Daily Life Skills Of Patients With Right Hemiparasia And Left Hemiparesis After Stroke” – Lect. Güler BÜYÜKYILMAZ and Prof. Dr. Oğuz ÖZYARAL, Eda ERDOĞDU (Istanbul Rumeli University)

“Evaluation of Orthodontic Malocclusion Risk Factors of 7 to 12 Years Old Turkish Children on OPTG Films “- Assist. Prof. Şirin HATIPOĞLU (Beykent University)

“To Study The Effect Of The Static Equilibrium in Tennis Calisthenic” – Lec. Mutlu URAL, Dr. Ahmet GÖNENER and Prof. Dr. Oğuz ÖZYARAL (Istanbul Rumeli University)

12.30 – 14.00 LUNCH

Main Hall 

Moderator: Prof. Staykova-Pirovska

14.00 – 16.30

Nutrition-based interactive sessions

Nutritional Threatment in Palliative Care: Literature Review Lec. – Lec. Irem DÜRÇEK, Lec. Esra ŞIK, Res. Asst. Funda GARGACI, and Lec. Şehriban Gül ÖZÇELİK (Beykent University)

Nutritional Knowledge and Eating Bahavior Among Male Football Players; A Qualitative Study - Assoc. Prof. Turabi YERLI (Beykent University), Res. Asst. Funda GARGACI (Beykent University),  Lec. İrem DÜRÇEK (Beykent University) and Gülşah Çok (Istanbul University)

The Comparison of Dietary Quality and Physical Activity on Ramadan Fasting - Res. Asst. Funda GARGACI (Medipol University, Health Sciences Institute) and Assoc. Prof. Nihal Zekiye ERDEM  (Medipol University, Health Sciences Institute)

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

Main Hall 

Moderator: Prof. Yuki Hosotani,

17.00 – 19.30

Palliative  Care Nursing And Physiotherapy

Use of Biosensors in Nursing: Systematic Review - Lec. Hamiyet KIZIL and Lec. Meryem YILDIZ AYVAZ (Beykent University)

Evaluation Of The Problems Of Gynecologic Oncology Patients While Receiving Care - Assoc. Prof. Hülya ERBABA, Lec. Hamiyet KIZIL, Lec. Meryem YILDIZ AYVAZ and Lec. Behice Belkıs ÇALIŞKAN (Beykent University)

Evaluation Of Studies On Increasing The Motivation Of Gynecologic Oncology Patients’ Caregivers - Assoc. Prof. Hülya ERBABA, Lec. Meryem YILDIZ AYVAZ, Behice Belkıs ÇALIŞKAN and Lec. Hamiyet KIZIL (Beykent University)

Evidence-based Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Practices in Palliative Care - Lec. Yasemin KARAASLAN, Lec. Mehmet Eren UCUZOĞLU,Lec. Özge TAHRAN and Assist. Prof. Süheyl POZANTI(Beykent University)

Multidicilinary Perspective of the Palliative Care Model  - Lec. Mehmet Eren UCUZOĞLU, Lec. Yasemin KARAASLAN, Lec. Özge TAHRAN andAssist. Prof. Süheyl POZANTI (Beykent University)

Home-based palliative care in JAPAN〜the Homecare clinic Sapporo〜

Assistant Professor of Pathology in the Department of Pathology at UPMC. Japan.

“Palliative approach to oral care.” Prof. Dr. Sukriev Ljubin   General practitioner. Primary Institution. Voena ambulanta Skope University 

“From cancer rehabilitation to palliative care: a case report “ Prof Chigusa Naka, Physiotherapist. Yokohama National University , Kanagawa jAPAN

The role of the palliative care team in Saiseikai Otaru Hospital

Ms Tomoyo Hayashi, Occupational therapist. West Coast University JAPAN

Occupational Therapy for Palliative care in hospitalS Ms Yuka Yamanaka, Occupational therapist, Private Practice 

“Physiotherapy and Nursing Palliative Care at Home for a Patient with End-Stage Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma” A Case Report” Prof. Yuki Hosotani, Tokyo University

“Disaster into the Emergency Ward - how to triage the patients on long-term treatment during the disastrous event “- R. Kostadinov, K. Atliev

Department of Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Emergency Department, University Hospital “St. George”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

“Patients on long term treatment disaster preparedness” - R. Kostadinov K. Atliev. Department of Epidemiology and Disaster Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Medical 

University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Emergency Department, University Hospital “St. George”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

“Gerson therapy and nutrition - positive and negative reviews in the treatment of cancer patients”. Staykova-Pirovska Y. Trakia University Bulgaria. 

Hybrid treatment of artificial arteriovenous fistula of peroneal artery in a patient with complex background” Prof. Dr.Bogomila Cheshmedjieva  Povdiv University 

20.00 DINNER


9.30 - 12.30

Main Hall

Moderator: Dr. Oğuz ÖZYARAL


“Importance of Palliative Health Care Management in Primary Care” - Lec. Aykut ÇAKIR (Beykent University) and Assist. Prof. Süheyl POZANTI (Beykent University)

“New Perspectives on modelling of palliative care management” -Prof. Dr. Oğuz ÖZYARAL,  Lec. Halil DEMİR, Haktan ÇAKMAK (Istanbul Rumeli University)

“Cost of Delivering Health Care Services at Primary Health Facilities “– Lec. Alpaslan MERT and Prof. Dr. Ayşegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU (Beykent University)

“Breaking Bad News in Palliative Care” - Res. Asst. Okan Anıl AYDIN, Res. Asst. Çisem BAŞTARCAN and Prof. Dr. Ayşegül YILDIRIM KAPTANOĞLU (Beykent University)

“Ethical Sensitivity Of Health Students and Affecting Factors” - Lec. Meryem YILDIZ AYVAZ, Özge Eda YILMAZ and Assist. Prof. Güneş BOLATLI (Beykent University)

“Effect of Media Literacy on Choice of Profession in Health Science Students” -  Assist. Prof. Hatice Dilek DOĞAN and Res. Asst. Çisem BAŞTARCAN (Beykent University)

12.30 – 14.00 LUNCH

14.30 15.30

Main Hall

Moderator: Prof. Vanina Mihailova,


Social Media Use in Hospitals - Assist. Prof. Süheyl POZANTI (Beykent University) and Aysel YÜĞRÜK UÇAR (Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Research and Training Hospital)

"The biopsychosocial syndrome in cancer. Supporting the family environment." Part One “Vanina Mihailova, Mariana Loochkova, Adolf Alakidi, Vlayko VodenicharovFedorov, Alexander.  Reflections:  West about Russia / Russia about West. Film images of people and countries.

“Effect of music interventions on anxiety during labor “ M. Malinova, Mal. Malinova Compliance ve společnosti MONETA Health Private Center. Prague, Czech Republic.