

Prof. Volkan ÖNGEL
Prof. Hamparsun HAMPİKYAN
Vice Rector
Prof. Kazım SARI
Vice Rector
Prof. Yalçın KIRDAR
Vice Rector
Genel Secretary
Prof. B. Serra Oğuz Ahmet
Dean of Faculty of Dentistry
Prof. Dr. Servet KESİM 
Senate Member of the Faculty of Dentistry
Prof. Metin AYIŞIĞI
Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Dr. Pervin NEDİM BAL 
Senate Member of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Hamdi ÜNAL
Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts
Prof. Burak BUYAN 
Senate Member of Faculty of Fine Art
Prof. Ebru KARAMAN
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Asst. Prof. Egemen FALCIOĞLU
Senate Member of the Faculty of Law
Prof. Dr. Nezir KÖSE
Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Dr. Pınar GEDİKKAYA
Senate Member of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Oğuz MAKAL
Dean of Faculty of Communication
Prof. Dr. Nazan ALİOĞLU
Senate Member of Faculty of Communication

Prof. Ethem Soner ÇELİKKOL

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Prof. Adnan KAYPMAZ
Senate Member of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Prof. Esra KARACA
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Gülay TAMER
Member of the Senate of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Prof. Rıza RIZALAR
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Hatice ÖKTEN
Senate Member of the Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Erkut ALTINDAĞ
Director of Institute of Graduate Studies
Asst. Prof. Gülşah GENÇER ÇELİK
Director of Vocational School
Asst. Prof. Gülay Selvi HANİŞOĞLU
Director of the School of Applied Sciences
Asst. Prof. Fatih YÜCEL
Director of School of Foreign Languages
Ömer Faruk Bayrak
President of Student Council