Office of the Dean of Students




Beykent News




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Courses and Certıfıcate Programs



As the Centre for Personal Development and Career, we aim to support, both before and after graduation, the personal and professional development of our current students and alumni from the first day of their academic lives, and to equip them properly for their professional lives.

Job Notices

Office of the Dean of Students in Numbers

 Founded in 1997

1997 Founded in

4 Campus

4 Campus

8 Faculties

9 Faculties

4 College

4 Colleges

2 Institute

1 Institutes

9  Research Center

10 Research Center

61  Undergraduate Programs

61 Undergraduate Programs

75  College Programs

75 College Programs

30.000 Student


50.000 Graduated

55K Graduated

61  Students Clubs

60 Students Clubs