Exams for Institutions of Higher Education
Exams for Institutions of Higher Education

Examination for Higher Education Institutions

Admission and placement of students by the Schools and Faculties of Beykent University are carried out according to the results of Examination for Higher Education Institutions and in accordance with the provisions set out by the Council of Higher Education (CoHE).

Student candidates who are eligible to enrol at our Schools and Faculties are required to apply in person to Beykent University’s Registrar’s Office within the time period determined by the Centre for Assessment, Selection and Placement [CASP – ÖSYM] while those who are admitted to the departments which require students to pass a special talent exam are required to follow the announcements of our University’s authorised bodies to carry out their registration with the Registrar’s Office.

 For 2020 Examination for Higher Education Institutions (YKS) Guidebook, click here.
 For 2020 - YKS Candidate Application Form, click here.
 For State of Health / Disability Status Form, click here.
 For 2020 - YKS Application Centres, click here.
 For 2020 - YKS Exam Centres Close to the School or City of Residence, click here.
 For 2020 - YKS Frequently Asked Questions, click here.
 For National Defence University’s announcement on its Military Academy and NCO Vocational School click here.