

Information and documentation services at our University are provided by our Library and Archive Departments. The coordination of the units established on different campuses in accordance with the academic infrastructure is carried out by our Department.

 Our libraries, which have been serving since the establishment of our university, follow a growth policy by taking into account the academic structure and research areas of the university, as well as supporting social and cultural activities for students with library resources.

 We provide services in accordance with the “Library Working Principles Directive,” which establishes coordination between Beykent libraries, cooperation with libraries of other institutions and organisations within and outside the university, and the definition of library services and conditions of use.

 An “Institutional Archive” was established under our Department for the organisation and digitalisation of the archive materials of the units affiliated to our university. Operations are carried out in accordance with the “Archive Directive”.

 Our library is a member of Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS), TÜBİTAK-National Academic Network and Information Centre (ULAKBİM), and Balkan Libraries Union (BLU).

For Opening Hours of Beykent University Libraries, click here.