Asst. Prof. Elif Lütfiye KAHVECİ - TÜBİTAK 1812 Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program
Asst. Prof. Elif Lütfiye KAHVECİ - TÜBİTAK 1812 Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program
Date: 13 September 2024

Asst. Prof. Elif Lütfiye KAHVECİ - TÜBİTAK 1812 Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program

The project, in which Asst. Prof. Elif Lütfiye KAHVECİ, from the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Istanbul Beykent University, took part as the executive, was deemed successful in the TÜBİTAK 1812 - Investment-Based Entrepreneurship Support Program (BİGG) and was awarded the "Seal of Excellence".

We congratulate Asst. Prof. Elif Lütfiye KAHVECİ, who is in our Department of Biomedical Engineering, for her valuable contributions and wish her continued success.