Istanbul Beykent University Became a Member of DIVERSE Universities Consortium
Istanbul Beykent University Became a Member of DIVERSE Universities Consortium
Date: 02 May 2024

Istanbul Beykent University Became a Member of DIVERSE Universities Consortium

Istanbul Beykent University became a member of the DIVERSE (Digital and Innovative Venture Science Education for Resilient and Sustainable Entrepreneurship) Association of Universities, which aims at international cooperation.

Istanbul Beykent University from Turkey is included in the consortium, which aims to find solutions to problems in the fields of education, innovation and business with innovative approaches, with the participation of 12 universities from 11 countries.

DIVERSE Universities Association, which will apply a challenge-based approach to learning, teaching and research to create an impact in Industry 5.0, will carry out studies on circular economy, life and individual-social welfare school.

The consortium, which plans to work in the fields of education, research and innovation, includes Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim and Technical University of Applied Sciences Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm from Germany, PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts from Belgium, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences from the Netherlands, European University of the Atlantic from Spain, Autonomous University of Lisbon from Portugal, Griffith College from Ireland, SMK University of Applied Sciences from Lithuania, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences from Finland, George Emil Palade University of Medicine from Romania , Pharmacy, Science and Technology, Algebra University from Croatia and Istanbul Beykent University from Turkey.