Frequently Asked Questions
Conditions for Vertical Transfer

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I apply to be an Erasmus student?

  • Our university announces application dates every year. Students may apply for the programme via Erasmus Office within this period.

What to do to benefit from the programme?

  • As a prerequisite for Erasmus+ Programme, there must be an inter-institutional agreement between your department in your university and the related department of a university located in another country.

What are the conditions for being selected as an Erasmus student?

  • English Preparatory School students are not eligible to apply.
  • Associate Degree, Undergraduate Degree, Master’s Degree and PhD students are eligible to benefit from the exchange programme.
  • Associate Degree/Undergraduate Degree Students must have at least 2.20/4.00 GPA. Master’s Degree/PhD Students must have at least 2.50/4.00 GPA.
  • Selection procedure is as follows: 50% of GPA and 50% of English Proficiency Exam Result.

How long can I stay abroad within Erasmus Programme?

  • Duration of Erasmus mobility is between 3 and 12 months. Mobility activities that last less than 3 months are not considered as Erasmus mobility. Therefore, no grant is paid.

How many times can I benefit from Erasmus Programme?

  • The total student mobility duration cannot exceed 12 months including Lifelong Learning Programme (during Undergraduate Degree, Master’s Degree and PhD) and Erasmus+ Programme. Even if the grant is not paid, the student mobility activities must be prepared in such a way that the total student mobility period must not exceed 12 months within the same academic level. If a student finishes one academic level and moves to another one (for example successfully completes Undergraduate Degree and starts Master’s Degree), it is possible for he/she to participate in the mobility activity for a maximum of 12 months again. Therefore, it is possible to participate in the mobility activity for 36 months in total within different academic levels. While one part of this activity can be about learning, the other part can be about traineeship. However, minimum limit of this mobility activities must be taken into consideration.
I have to retake a failed course. Can I benefit from Erasmus Learning Mobility?
  • Yes. It does not pose an obstacle if the student meets the minimum GPA score.
Do I have to pay tuition fee to the receiving institution?
  • Erasmus+ students enrol in the university in Turkey and pay the tuition fee to their own university, not to the receiving institution. However, they do not select courses in Turkey.
Except for the Erasmus grant, do I get an additional payment for accommodation, travelling and visa?
  • No. Erasmus grant is limited to the monthly payment of grant which is determined according to the countries. Apart from this grant, no money is paid for anything by the office.

How am I going to select courses during the student mobility?

  • Each student signs a Learning Agreement with his department coordinator before he/she starts their education abroad (There should be 3 copies of the agreement each of which is kept by student, coordinator and the receiving institution). Name of the courses and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are written in the agreement. The list of the courses can be obtained by receiving institution. The list of the courses is downloaded from the website of the receiving institution and the courses are selected by the student and the coordinator. The student and Erasmus department coordinators of both sending and receiving institutions sign the Learning Agreement and institutions stamp the document. Student is required to deliver the agreement which is signed by each party to the Erasmus Office. If any change is necessary, these chances must be made in 1 month at the latest after the academic year starts in the receiving institution and must be approved by both sending and receiving institutions. During the course selection, students are expected to take 30 ECTS in 1 semester and 60 ECTS in one year.
How am I going to find a place to stay during my Erasmus period?
  • Receiving institution is not responsible for arranging a place for the students. However, most universities allocate a dormitory room or provide information on accommodation outside the campus if the application is made on time. International Office Unit of the receiving institution gives information and recommendation about accommodation facilities in the city. Students are expected to follow the recommendations and try to search for other opportunities if the case arises.

Do I need to have a health insurance?

  •  Students who will benefit from Erasmus+ Programme is required to have a health insurance which has international validity. Although each country has different demands, students must prefer the most comprehensive health insurance. The content of the insurance must be thoroughly checked.

How is visa procedures conducted?

  • You need to call the consulate of the country immediately after you are selected as an Erasmus student. Visa procedures and the required documents vary according to the countries. Check the website of embassy / consulate of the related country. Pay extreme attention to gather all the required documents. If you write a document stating that you are an Erasmus students and you will be paid a monthly grant during this period, it will be easier to get your visa.
I have green passport. Do I have to apply for visa?
  • To learn this, call the consulate of the country.

What are the documents which I need to prepare before going abroad and after returning from there?

  • You are required to prepare the documents below before going abroad:
    1. Course Equivalency Form
    2. A copy of Letter of Acceptance
    3. Original copy of Learning Agreement
    4. Student Exchange Agreement
  • You are required to deliver the documents below to our Erasmus Office after returning from the receiving country:
    1. Transcript
    2. Original copy of Learning Agreement
    3. Certificate of Attendance

What is Free Mover Programme?

  • Those students who want to spend their one semester or one year abroad can benefit from Free-Mover (visiting student who pays or students who come upon an agreement) in universities which provide this opportunity. Free Mover students have the right to select the courses from faculties. They can benefit from every kind of facilities and opportunities provided by the receiving institute. Free Mover students are not given any grant or scholarship. They are required to pay tuition for both their own university and the receiving university.

What are the conditions of Free Mover Programme?

  • Our students who want to have education in another university abroad as a visiting student must complete 1 year in Beykent University and have at least 2.20 GPA.

What do I need to do to go to another university within Free Mover Programme?

  • Documents to deliver below before leaving:
    1. Application form
    2. Letter of Approval given by Dean or Head of Department in Beykent University stating that the Faculty / Department will approve the period of time and the courses that will be selected.
    3. Transcript
    4. Letter of Acceptance sent by the receiving institution
    5. Learning Protocol
    6. Academic Recognition Document (It must be prepared by student and department coordinator and approved by Faculty / Institute Board. The courses selected by the student and the courses in Beykent University are considered as equivalent with this document.)
    7. Photocopy of the passport (visa page).
  • Documents to deliver after returning:
    1. Letter of Attendance
    2. Photocopy of the passport (arrival and departure dates)
    3. Transcript

What do students who want to come to our university within Free Mover Programme need to do?

  • Those students who want to enrol our university as a visiting student within Free Mover Programme must fill the documents below and deliver them to our office:
    1. Application form
    2. Letter of Approval given by the student’s own university stating that they will approve the courses selected in Beykent University.
    3. Transcript
    4. Learning Protocol