Why Beykent

Why Beykent?

Why Beykent?

  • The educational policy to turn knowledge into benefit
  • Experience of educating qualified and intellectual professionals
  • Strong academic staff
  • Recognition of diploma within the EU with the Diploma Supplement Label
  • Grant for our Associate Degree and Undergraduate Degree students for an extra year which will not count against their normal period of studies
  • Scholarships exclusive to the Graduates of Beykent Education Institutions 
  • Master’s and PhD Degree opportunities with 50% discount exclusive to our alumni
  • Opportunity for our students to create the CV of their dreams during their studies
  • Collaboration with the sector leaders to support our students with internship opportunities
  • Collaboration with the sectors/industries to enable our students to create feasible projects meeting the sectoral demands while continuing their studies
  • Career coaching, and psychological counselling and guidance services for our active students and alumni to support their personal and professional development
  • Accommodation in the dormitories close to our campuses
  • Opportunity for our students to work as assistant students in administrative services
  • Opportunity of self-discovery and discovery of skills with 86 different student societies
  • Opportunity to play in teams with national and international success 
  • Education in central İstanbul on 4 different campuses
  • Fast and easy access by all means of public transport


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